Professor Dr. Marcus Bentin - Coordinator Interreg NSR project Decom Tools

Is engaged to the University of Emden/leer since 2009 as a professor of Ship Technology
He made his doctorate on "Multi Objective Optimization for the Master Plan of cooperative Assembling with several Shipyards" at the Hiroshima University, Japan 2003
And has a degree as Dipl.-Ing. Shipbuilding, TU Hamburg-Harburg, in 2000, when he was employed by the Mayer Werft.
His educational activities at the University regard Ship design, ship construction, ship stability, applied finite elements, applied approach to tools of simulation and optimization
He has a lot of research experience in the field of maritime logistics and materials as he is involved in several European projects. Since 2018 he is the coordinator of the Interreg NSR project Decom Tools.
Haras Najib - Consultant at VDMA Power Systems, Germany

Responsible for:
•pre-competitive joint research of wind turbine manufacturers
•the VDMA Working Group Wind Industry
•Chairman of the Task Force Dismantling and Decommissioning of Wind Turbines
•Member of the EoLIS2021(End-of-Life Issues & Strategies) Program Committee
Member of IEA-Wind Task 45 for Germany: Enabling the Recycling of Wind Turbine Blades

Dr. Ir. Albert ten Busschen - Technical Director of Poly Products
Dr. Ir. Albert ten Busschen (Zwolle, 1966) has a vast experience in the development and production of composite products.
Since 2005 he is Technical Director of Poly Products in Werkendam where he is involved in composite product and process development.
Besides this work, from 2015 Albert has also become associate professor on composites at the University of Applied Sciences Windesheim.
In this function he coordinates the development of technologies of re-use of End-of-Life composites.
Dirk Jan Hummel - Projectmanager OWIC (Offshore Wind Innovation Centre)

Experienced Innovation Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the management consulting industry. Strong product management professional skilled in Innovation Management, Sustainability, Organizational Development, Interim Management, and Strategy.
Prof. dr Rob J. Hamer - Hademar Holding B.V.
Chairman of project Het Schone Noorden